Press release -
Fred. Olsen announces its three new staff charities for 2018/19
Ipswich-based Fred. Olsen has announced its three new staff charities to support during 2018/19: Ipswich Winter Night Shelter, Alzheimer’s Research UK and Apostleship of the Sea.
Nominated and selected by staff, based on their top three choices of local worthy causes to support, these three charities will be the focus of Fred. Olsen’s fundraising from May 2018 until the end of April 2019. Fred. Olsen staff will take part in a host of fun activities to raise funds throughout the year, including ‘Cake Bakes’, ‘Dress Down Days’, a ‘Summer Ball’ and a Christmas Craft Fayre.
Tom Nunn, Chair of the Fred. Olsen Staff Charity Committee, said:
“Fred. Olsen staff have chosen to support these three very deserving charities throughout 2018/19. For many of our staff, these causes are very close to their hearts, with friends, colleagues and family members making use of the services that these invaluable organisations provide.
“We have lots of exciting events planned for the coming year and we hope that all our staff will get behind our fundraising efforts and really help to make a difference!”
Julia Hancock, Business Manager of The Ipswich Winter Night Shelter, said:
“We provide much more than a warm bed and a hot homemade meal. We employ someone to work with our guests, so that they can make the changes they want to make to improve their lives. We rely entirely on donations from local individuals, churches, companies and grant making trusts in order do to this work, so we are absolutely delighted to be chosen as one of the Fred Olsen staff charities. We look forward to working with them over the coming months.”
The Ipswich Winter Night Shelter works with local churches, local organisations and local volunteers to provide solutions to the growing problem of providing support and housing for some of the most vulnerable people in Suffolk. Its Night Shelter guests have multiple and complex issues, including poor mental health, poly-substance misuse, physical disabilities, learning difficulties, debt, broken families, long-term unemployment, trauma, suicidal tendencies and problematic housing histories. They also find it difficult to navigate the complexities of the benefits, health and housing systems.
Holly Noon, Regional Fundraising Officer (East) at Alzheimer's Research UK, said:
“We’re excited to embark on this exciting partnership with Fred. Olsen – together we will make a huge difference in the fightback against dementia. Tragically, one in three children born today will go on to develop dementia in their lifetime and with no effective treatments to slow or stop the diseases that cause it, it’s understandable why staff at Fred. Olsen are determined to defeat it. It sounds like they’ve already got lots of fun and innovative ideas to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer's Research UK. We can’t wait to get started!”
Alzheimer's Research UK is the UK’s largest dementia research charity, dedicated to causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure. Its mission is to bring about the first life-changing treatment for dementia by 2025 and the charity will achieve this incredible feat by challenging the way people think about dementia, uniting the big thinkers in the field and funding the innovative science that will deliver a cure.
Martin Foley, National Director of Apostleship of the Sea, said:
“We are delighted that Fred. Olsen has chosen to support The Apostleship of the Sea through their 2018/19 fundraising efforts. As a maritime charity, we are acutely aware of the challenges seafarers and fishermen face. The funds raised will enable us to continue to support the welfare of seafarers and fishermen here and overseas.”
The Apostleship of the Sea is a Catholic charity supporting seafarers worldwide. It provides practical and pastoral care to all seafarers, regardless of nationality, belief or race. The charity’s Port Chaplains and volunteer ship visitors welcome seafarers, offer welfare services and advice, practical help, care and friendship. The Apostleship of the Sea in Great Britain is part of an international network known to the maritime world as ‘Stella Maris’, working in 311 ports with 216 Port Chaplains around the world.
In 2017/18, Fred. Olsen staff raised ca. £3,000 for its three chosen staff charities, which was split equally between Cystic Fibrosis, Suffolk Mind and Ipswich Hospital Baby Bereavement Group.
Photo caption: Representatives from Fred. Olsen’s three new staff charities for 2018/19 were invited to join Tom Nunn, Chair of the Fred. Olsen Staff Charity Committee, at the Suffolk Show, Trinity Park, Ipswich on 30th May 2018, to launch the new fundraising partnerships. Pictured, Fred. Olsen’s Tom Nunn (second from right), with John Green – Director of Development for Apostleship of the Sea (far left), Julia Hancock – Business Manager of The Ipswich Winter Night Shelter (second from left), and Holly Noon – Regional Fundraising Officer (East) at Alzheimer's Research UK.
For further information on Fred. Olsen, visit the websites at, and
To learn more about Ipswich Winter Night Shelter, Alzheimer’s Research UK and Apostleship of the Sea, visit the websites and respectively.
Fred. Olsen Cruise Line operates in the UK with four intimately sized ships for a more personal cruising experience.